Bulgin, 是电子产品制造业历史悠久的品牌之一,自1923年于英国创立至今,经过80多年的开拓与发展,创造和开发可用于安防,控制和通讯等类型的各种产品,由此衍生出的无数应用,影响和改善着人们日常生活的方方面面。
Bulgin,和Arcolectric,Sheen等同样历史悠久的品牌均归属于英国Elektron Technology公司旗下,专注于引领行业标准的连接器,开关,指示灯,保险丝座以及电池座等电子元器件的设计,制造与销售。产品分销覆盖全球各个行业,在欧洲,美洲和亚太区域设有销售部门,其中亚太区总部位于新加坡,大中华地区销售办公室位于上海。在英国和突尼斯建有物流中心和工厂,位于英国剑桥总部的创新中心拥有自主设计水平和丰富的行业与项目经验,为日趋复杂的世界市场需求提供完善的的增值服务解决方案。
Bulgin is widely recognised as a leading manufacturer of environmentally sealed connectors and components. With over 95 years of experience in the industry, Bulgin continues to innovate and develop products and services to cater for its global customer base across a variety of markets.
In 2016, Bulgin announced the strategic incorporation of sister company Arcolectric into its business offering. This brings together two complementary product portfolios to make Bulgin a more comprehensive and wider reaching provider of engineered solutions to meet the needs of the industry. In addition, the integration has expanded Bulgins expertise across a broader range of components, particularly electromechanical switches.
Bulgin's popular Buccaneer Circular Connector range is well known in the industry for providing reliable, robust connections for power, signal and data in challenging environments.
Good design and high quality form an integral part of Bulgin's design philosophy. Our quality procedure is approved to ISO9001 while individual components carry numerous
The RoHS (Restriction of use of certain Hazardous Substances) directive came into force on1st July 2006. All standard Arcolectric products are RoHS compliant.
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